We currently ship only to the continental United States. Subject to change if ordered through a retail partner.
Unfortunately we are unable to ship orders internationally, to Alaska, and Hawaii. Subject to change if ordered through a retail partner. Please check back with us as we are working on making this a possibility soon! -
If you purchased one of our items from a retailer partner, please return your item to that retailer via their website or their store locations. If you purchased an item from walkeredison.com, please click https://walkeredison.com/pages/return-policy to learn more about our return policy.
Monday-Thursday 8am-5pm, Friday 8am-3pm MST Closed Saturday & Sunday If you cannot find your question above, please contact our Customer Service Team: service@walkeredison.com or +1 801-433-3008
We offer a 90-day warranty against manufacturer defect, damaged and/or missing parts. If there are any issues with your product during this time, please fill out the form linked here: https://walkeredison.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=360001011772 Please be sure to include your original order number so we can help you as quickly as possible.