Welcome to Walker Edison! We are a manufacturer of ready-to-assemble furniture and sell to many prominent brands/retailers across the US. We also sell our items on our own website. www.walkeredison.com. If you've reached this page, you either purchased an item from one of our retail partners or from our site. Thank you!


  • We currently ship only to the continental United States. Subject to change if ordered through a retail partner.

    Unfortunately we are unable to ship orders internationally, to Alaska, and Hawaii. Subject to change if ordered through a retail partner. Please check back with us as we are working on making this a possibility soon!

  • If you purchased one of our items from a retailer partner, please return your item to that retailer via their website or their store locations. If you purchased an item from walkeredison.com, please click https://walkeredison.com/pages/return-policy to learn more about our return policy.

  • Monday-Thursday 8am-5pm, Friday 8am-3pm MST Closed Saturday & Sunday If you cannot find your question above, please contact our Customer Service Team: service@walkeredison.com or +1 801-433-3008

  • We offer a 90-day warranty against manufacturer defect, damaged and/or missing parts. If there are any issues with your product during this time, please fill out the form linked here: https://walkeredison.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=360001011772 Please be sure to include your original order number so we can help you as quickly as possible.

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